I'm so tired of bleeding


Venting ahead...

I've been bleeding for 30 days now. My period came 2 weeks early in January and then just... Never left. It was a very heavy period for 10 days, followed by 4 or 5 days of randomly passing big blood clots, then every day after that it's been completely random spotting, but i bleed every single day. It smells very fresh and coppery, totally unlike normal period blood.

Get this: after 2 weeks, i went to the doctor. She didn't even examine me! She basically said "yeah weird, probably stress". She gave me no options or advice other than to just wait and see what happens, and said she'd be concerned if it was 3 months. My copay is $50 every single visit. I was beyond pissed.

Today I'm bleeding a LOT... Seems like another actual period is starting. I'm so tired and frustrated i could scream. This sucks!!!!!!!