Parents who don't allow their child to watch tv...?

Bridget • Mama to 2 boys 13 months apart 💕
Parents who don't allow their children to watch tv while they are very young, do you still watch tv? I feel like this is dumb but I'm a FTM and in my research I do believe in not having any screens around my son for the first several years of his life for developmental reasons. I've never had a family member or friend do this, everyone with a small child I've ever seen just plops them in front of the tv, so I don't know how it works really. Does our family basically not watch any tv until we think he is old enough, or do we just not watch kids shows? Or do we only watch when he is napping? Basically- can my husband and I still keep up with Game of Thrones and our other weekly shows as they come out? Lol.