My Birth story in detail.


This is my first baby and I had no idea what I was doing in the slightest.

I went to be after a two days of random contractions but was awoken at 4am due to the amount of pain I was in. It was bareable-ish at first and I could walk to make it pass but eventually they were paralyzing and making me yell/scream in pain.

The only place I felt comfortable was sat on the toilet, my body kept telling me to push but I didnt think much of it since I thought my contractions would be closer and more painful if I were about to give birth.

Eventually at around 10am I realised something wasnt quite right and was screaming at my boyfriend to call me an ambulance although he was quite resilience thinking we had an appointment at 11am anyway so I may as well wait.

He did call the midwives up and told them what was going on who made him drag me off the toilet and put me on the bed. I kept trying to curl up and push but he kept forcing me to lie on my back.

A paramedic came pretty quickly after and I didnt really understand what was going on, my waters broke and almost on him, and I honestly thought I had just peed myself.

They were both somewhat freaking out since apparently I kept crowning and they weren't exactly sure what to do.

The ambulance men came and started to freak out a little bit too, they gave me some gas and air and told me to walk down the stairs to the bed, which I refused to at first since the pain was unbareable.

I got into the ambulance and kept having contractions which I needed to push when they happened, the paramedics were telling me to stop pushing (all men and definitely didnt know what they were doing).

They pulled over at some point and they switched drivers since I think the less experienced one was in the back with me. But they continued driving to try and get me to the hospital in time.

I felt this weird slimy thing fall out of me and started freaking out as I didnt know what it was since I was high on gas and air and no one would exactly tell me what just happened, until my boyfriend said it was the head.

The second we got to the hospital I finished giving birth in the back of the ambulance minutes before the midwives came.

Dexter was born at 10:30am 3rd Feb basically without any actual help or without pain relief other than gas and air during the last 10-15 minutes. And I also had no tears and the placenta came very easily straight after.