thoughts/opinions, should I change lo schedule or sleep train?

Our daily schedule- baby goes to daycare between 8 and 8:30, I pick her up and we are usually home between 5 and 5:30. She gets a bottle and cat naps or naps as soon as we get home. If she's not awake by 6:30/7 I wake her up so we can do bedtime at 8:00-8:30. Sometimes we do some cereal when she wakes up between evening nap and bed. She usually wakes up 1-2x a night. Was sleeping through the night but then got sick and it threw us off. Problems: she is so tired and cries if I have to wake her up and I hate it, it feels wrong. She eats best when pretty drowsy and I'm rocking her. We want her to get 2 bottles in between getting home and bedtime. I don't  know what to do--- try to feed her awake ish at 5:30 and keep her up until 7? 8:30 was a bed time that was working for us for along time but it seems like she should be going to bed earlier.