Kaylani Alizandria Reign Gray born February 13 2017 at 233am weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches

Kaylani Alizandria Reign Gray born February 13 2017 at 233am weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches. Labor was just a little over 4 hours. Exhausted after work started having contractions the 12th at 6 pm I tracked my contractions until 8pm then called the hospital. Dr told me to come in or track for one more hour to see if they speed up or die down. I tracked them till 9 pm and said yeah they aren't going to die down I'm going in. When I got there I was already 6 cm dilated and they said I might be too late for epidural. It was a big toll on me because I was up since 6 am Sunday working all day but between my husband and the awesome nurses I made it through. She is perfect in every way.