UPDATE: Finally Feeling Confident! TMI WARNING


Edit/Update 2: Just checking in since I've had some questions. Im eating around 2700 calories on running days as I am now running around 20-25 miles per week. Ive cut back on weight training due to time constraints but am still rocking the fitness train with the help of my husband. Keep on training ladies!!!!! Sorry about my ratty nursing bra 😂

Since I've seen a couple of comments asking what I did and my daily routine I thought I would share! Generally, I eat around 2000 calories per day, sometimes 1800 depending on how hungry I am. This is based on my BMR and how many calories I burn from nursing and exercising. So it looks something like (1500+600+400=2500) Then we subracted 500 per day to lose around a 1-2 pounds per week depending on how much my body burned that week so (2500-500=2000) My daily routine looks like: Wake up and go for a run or weight training, Breakfast: Protein shake (1 banana, 3/4 cup of low fat milk, 1tbls of Peanut butter, and 1/2 a scoop of chocolate protein, a handful of ice) Lunch: salad or sandwich with a low calorie side of my choice, Dinner: fish with rice and veggies. I also have 2 snacks per day of things like yogurt, cheese, turkey, granola, fruits or veggies Then I do Yoga and have a glass of herbal tea. I try to drink at least a gallon of water per day, be active for an hour, and stick to my calorie goals! Sorry this made the post really long! Good luck to all you ladies, we all got this! Note: my husband said to let you all know not to try to lose weight too quickly, calculate you own calorie needs based on height, weight and activity level and don't drop too many calories at once or you could alter your milk supply. Stay safe and have fun. Remember it takes 6 weeks to notice permanent changes and it's worth the wait. Good luck! 

 Being married to a former body builder/current fitness nut is really difficult sometimes because he is always on when it comes to health and nutrition. I often have felt inadequate and icky and I really let myself go during pregnancy. After having my son, I started working as hard as I could and got my husband to train me. It was really hard at first But as of today, I have officially lost 40 POUNDS! I feel confident and happy about me for the first time in a long time. I'm still working on it, but I'm proud of my progress so far! The photo on the left was the day we started and the photo on the right is today! I wanted to post on FB but didn't want to start drama so I'm hoping you ladies don't mind!