is it too soon

I take birth control pills and use condoms but my period didn't come this weekend, and I was reading on like what different things it could mean and everything was like well if you use birth control it's really unlikely that you'd be pregnant and it's not that uncommon for it to make your period so light it doesn't happen, but I'm super paranoid. What I was reading said if you miss two in a row then take a pregnancy test or call your doctor. I'm so scared to take a test that I don't want to take it but I'm also so paranoid that I feel like I can't wait another month until when it's supposed to happen. Am I overreacting? Because my boyfriend keeps trying to reassure me that it's just the pills throwing me off and that me getting scared and stressed about it so stopped it from coming. We keep making jokes about it because we're thinking that there's no way, but I'm still freaked out, should I wait or take a test today?