6 weeks and it's gone.

Taylor • Finally starting a family with the love of my life!! ❤️💍
Went to the doctor for my first ultrasound excited and ready to make this a reality. My husband and I have been trying for a few months and when we got the 2 pink lines we were so excited!!! The saying "when it rains it pours" really hit me. Not only was there no baby, I started bleeding as soon as I got home. Called dr and they said to monitor the bleeding and make sure it is only spotting not period. Well the night went on and it hit me.....it was a miscarriage. Clotting, red blood, cramps all were terrible signs. No warning. Everything just happening at once. All I feel is like it's my fault. My body couldn't hold the baby. My husband is trying everything to make me happy and I feel bad because I want to be happy or feel something besides numb and sadness. Any advice from other mothers that have loss?