Baby schedules!

April • momma of 3 beautiful boys!

What's your baby's schedule look like? My son will be 5 months old on the 11th. His day looks like:

6:30-7 wakes up...has a 7-8oz bottle

Then he hangs out in his bouncy seat until I have to take my oldest to school. By 9, he's ready for a nap. He'll sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how he slept the night before. Then another 7-8oz bottle at 11 followed by play time on the floor. Usually by 12:45/1 he starts getting crabby, so I Lay him down for another nap. Again, he sleeps anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Another 7-8oz bottle at 3:45. Hangs out in his bouncy seat or the floor, wherever he's happiest. On days when he doesn't nap well, he'll catnap for 20 minutes around 5/5:30. Then at 6:45/7, it's a bath every other day, lotion, jammies and another 7-8oz bottle and asleep by 7:45/8. He's going through a sleep regression right now, so he's usually waking up and being fussy in the early hours. Some days it's around 3/4, others it's closer to 5/6. Gonna start introducing solids in the next week or so!