fighting naps

Gina • Jackson Paul born 12/6/2016 💙 Jonathan Barrett born 6/22/2018 💙 👦🏼👶🏻
My almost 3 month old is fighting his naps like no ones business all of a sudden. I joke that he has some serious FOMO (fear of missing out). This start happening this week. He was so good for awhile and now it's such a fight to get him to sleep and when he finally does (in my arms only) and I put him down he wakes up immediately and screams. He's so overtired that he's just miserable by the end of the day. Luckily he sleeps pretty well at night so it's only his naps. Anyone else having this problem all of a sudden? What can I do? I can't have him attached to me because when I go back to work they won't hold him all day to sleep.