Baby born at 39 weeks 3 days

I'm a ftm and never thought I'd have such a quick labor (or what felt quick). I had been trying everything to ensure labor and truthfully I have no clue if it's what I did or him coming on his own. It started yesterday at 6:20 pm when I first had a contraction. It felt like Braxton hicks when my stomach gets rock hard, but this time was accompanied by menstrual like cramping. It wasn't too painful so I just laid down and figured it was false labor again. My husband came home from work at 7 so we went to my sister in laws house for dinner, and my contractions had become a Little stronger and closer together, about 4 minutes apart. By the time we left around 8:45 they we're about two minutes apart and a little painful so we drove home, he had to poop LOL I grabbed my hospital bag but left the babies thinking we wouldn't be staying, and off we went. I arrived having contractions 1-2 minutes apart but had still only been dialated to 2cm like at my appointment the day before. My doctor had me walk laps for over an hour and I went to 5cm and the contractions grew SO intense. I tried to make it far without an epidural but I was begging by that time. The epidural works wonders, no pain at all, just felt a ton of pressure because I shot from 5cm to 8cm and then 9 and a half. Less than 12 hours after my first small contraction, my son was in my arms at 6:13am. Didn't even push that long, once the doctors started yelling at me that if I didn't push hard enough It'd be a horrible long process I sucked it up and pushed with everything in me and he was out in 2 huge pushes after my many crappy attempts to push before lol. Mateo was born at 8lbs 3oz and is the love of my life ❤️❤️