Left baby with daddy, feeling bad.

So I'm feeling extra bad because I got upset at my husband and walked out, leaving my baby with him so I can be away to catch a break. I'm a sahm and I don't mind it most of the time but its really tiring. My husband works full time wakes up extra early (anywhere from 4-5am) so I'm up all night trying to put my 4 month old to bed. The last few days its been hard. She'll fight trying not to sleep even tho she's tired and she'll scream/cry. I cant do much most of the day because she wants my attention all the time. She only plays with one toy, if I'm lucky she'll play with it for 20-30min but some days she doesn't want to. I can't cook because she gets bored and starts screaming. I'm home all day bored. Actually in our room all day (we live with his parents) so I feel trap. Husband is always tireddd which I understand.. he gets Saturday and Sundays off and still doesn't want to do anything. Going to target or the grocery store makes me. SO happy u have no idea. So I asked if we can go to the store today and he was too tired. 2 hours later I.snapped and called. aLyft and left. Now I'm at DD spending some alone time but feeling guilty of.it. any moms have gone through this?? I am tired of being alone and inside. I can't take baby out since she is barely feeling better from being sick and it has also.been ugly outside to take her for walks.