help with latching problems

I am struggling with not getting a deep enough patch when I breastfeed. I keep trying to put the boob in my sons mouth when he opens it big but he pulls back to the nipple. If I take it out and retry  he gets frustrated. I have tried going to a lactation consultant and she helped me during the visit but I can't seem to get it on my own. It's causing my nipples to bleed and crack so it's making me want to give up on breastfeeding. And I'm frustrated that my husband says they are just cracked and bleeding bc they aren't used to breastfeeding. I'm pretty sure that's not the case I've heard it's not something that's supposed to be painful... idk I'm a ftm so what do I know? Anyways I also went to a La Leche League meeting to see if they could help and someone said he may have tongue tie. I don't think this is the case though because the lactation consultant was able to help me just fine and said nothing about it. I want to keep seeing her but it costs every time I see her.... any advice other than switch to formula? I am trying to make this work!