Birth story

She is finally here!! As of March 5th, 2017 at 12:28 pm. I still can't believe I'm holding my little girl. It all started at home when my water started leaking. I had actually just woke up from a 3 hour nap and honestly thought I was peeing myself. I went to the bathroom, thinking nothing of it a minute after walking around there was another huge gush. So i called the doctors office just to sit on hold for 25 minutes for a nurse to tell me to go to labor and delivery. I thought I would get one of my doctor's but no. I get here and they take they're time in triage to check and see if it was my water that's as ruptured or not. I had a foreign guy check me and let me tell you, I could not understand a word he was saying and it was the most painful cervical check I've ever had. But anyways I was finally admitted after 4 hours we started pitocin and about 5 hours after that I got the epidural. I was able to sleep for 3 hours and by morning I was feeling everything so I fought with the nurses about getting me a different epidural literally until I was 9.5 cm. Real shortly after receiving my boost it was time to push. I only pushed for 45 minutes and she was here weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. She is so perfect to me and idk what I'd do without her.