My single, teen mom birth story

I'll make this reasonably short and very sweet. I was 8 days late and scheduled for an induction early Tuesday morning. But at 1am Tuesday morning, I went into labor! The contractions SUCKED, the stadol made me feel so out of it, and the epidural was entertaining😂 The anesthesiologist got me GOOD! My body was DEAD. Well, I labored for twenty hours and by the time I went to start pushing, the nurse could see his head crowning!! My dad and sister had been there for about 6 hours of the labor and they waited while my mom was in the "dad" position. I pushed for about 20 minutes and there he was😍 They handed him to me and he grabbed onto my finger. I started bawling! Tobias Oliver was 9lbs even, 21 inches long, and born at 8:20pm. I had one little tear that was more of a little hole and the doctor put a stitch in, just to be thorough.