3rd round of clomid

Well it looks like we will be starting our 3rd round of clomid now...I have to say it gets more and more heart breaking each month I get my period or hear that my progesterone is not increasing. We are going on two years in August and the heartache just kills me. I want a family more than anything. I have since I was very young. It doesn't help I feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant, including my sister (who I am happy for) but it just doesn't make it easy. I've lived what I thought to be a very rewarding, kind life. Helping people as an RN in surgery, married to the man of my dreams, settled financially, I have a relationship with God and a baby is the one thing missing. Just needed a little vent session, I do have a great support system but they just keep saying relax, it will happen. I'm praying in time it does.