Scared *update*


*Went back for my hcg recheck and it went down

So now just a waiting game for my body to start to miscarry. I knew it was a long shot that things would be okay, but I was really praying for a miracle 😞*

I had my first ultrasound today, supposed to be 8w 1d but Dr only saw a sac that measures 6w 1d.. No heartbeat or anything. She said to stay cautiously optimistic but it doesnt look good. She had me get my hcg drawn to see if it was really low (no hope) or where it should be , and it was 9953 so i have to go back on Thursday to see if it goes up or down. I spotted last night light red, and today just old brown blood. Im so lost and confused Im trying not to think the worst, but am so scared to think good. This was our rainbow that took 2 years from our mc to get! We've been trying for 6 years 😥