is it wrong for me to be upset?

My boyfriend is going clubbing for the first time with his friends tonight. They're not the most trustworthy people, (on his 18th they got him so drunk he could barely walk, and threw him in the pool) and I constantly worry about him when he's with them.
I have crippling anxiety, and even when he's at home, I have this fear that something awful will happen.
When he's out, I ask that every few hours he sends me a text to say "I'm alive" (like every 2-4 hrs), because he knows I get worried and obsess over it, yet he gets angry because I'm "being controlling".
I'm not asking that he sits on his phone talking to me all night, literally just asking for a quick text every few hours to calm my nerves.
Yet he never does this, and I always start to worry that he's getting his stomach pumped, or he's dead or something horrible, and yells at me when I text his friends at 3am asking if he's alive, because he never responds to my texts, they don't seem to mind that much though because they know I'm really unwell.
Do I have a right to be upset, or am I overthinking it?