My birth story


Day 1 it is now 3:18am i have had 10 mins sleep Contractions are less than 3 mins apart and lasting over 1 min since iv had the gel so since 3pm. Being checked at 730am to see how much more im dilated and they will most likely send me to birthing unit then and hopefully ill have my baby boy later today. Just thought id update. Will keep updating.

Day 2 the next day contractions came to a complete stop at 4am. More gel was inserted that day and the waiting begun. I was told i would be checked again at 8pm that night.

8pm came around they wouldnt check me and waited until 7am. They werent happy with the progress i was dilated 2cm and a little thick still but nursery said she would break my waters with the hook but because it was night shift she wasn't allowed to so she will make notes for them to do it in the morning.

Day 3 and morning came around dr checked me and said wont do the hook but will do the balloon cathiter and should dilate to a 3 and break my waters tomorrow. So i have been allowed to leave the hospital until 6pm and go back to birthing unit tonight to get the cathiter then they will break my waters tomorrow

While at home i lost the remainder of my mucus plug and came back to the hospital at 7pm to start the balloon cathiter.

Still day 3. Went into birthing unit and dr checked me and said i wouldnt nees the cathiter as im ready and my waters should have been broken today. They will leave me in birthing unit tonight and will break my waters in the morning.

Day 4 830am water broke and drip inserted. Will check me again in 4 hours at 1pm - 1pm came around i got the epidural needed. Thank god i got it. Nurse checkes me again at 5 and coukd see his head right there. Let me sit abd wait for a bit more and came back and i oushed for 20 minutes and Baby Chris was born at 704pm