My birth story with baby #4💕

I was scheduled for induction on Wednesday march 1st. Got to the hospital at 8am. Started my iv at 9:23am. At 1pm they gave me my first dose of cytotec to start thinning my cervix. I was 1.5 dilated and 60% effaced. After 4 hours they checked me and I had ZERO change. I was really discouraged. They gave me another dose of cytotec at 5pm. My contractions were 2-3 min apart. At 7pm my doctor came in and.l broke my water. At that point I was 3cm & 80% effaced. By 830 I got my epidural bc once my water broke it was pretty painful. I slept from 830 til about 11:30pm then the pressure even with my epidural was getting pretty intense. I paged my nurse and she said I was ready to deliver. They had me do about 5 minutes of practice pushes and at that time my epidural started wearing off. After 10 more minutes of pushing and my epidural was completely not working so I felt everything. However 15 minutes total of pushing my hardest & Jade Ryan Hasik made her appearance at 11:47pm weighing 7lbs 13oz 20inches long. Only one dissolvable stitch needed on mommy. Overall I only labored for 4.5 hours. It was worth every second of those 15 minutes of pain & that ring of fire is no joke! But look what came from that short amount of pain...