
Okay so I posted the other day about not knowing if my son needed his formula changed or if it was something else. Well some of y'all suggested he may have GERD. So I am currently st his appointment and I asked her about it and she didn't really seem like it was a big deal. I told her about him throwing up all the time and everything else bc he has the symptoms of GERD and she kinda just blew it off and said he looks healthy and is growing a good amount of weight and jokingly she said she didn't care if he threw up all of his feedings that if he's gaining weight he's fine and if wic has him on soy then it's probably bc of lactose intolerant and to keep him on soy and try more cerea in his bottle and if that don't work then put him on Zantac.. but I don't agree with that I don't think that it's okay for him to be throwing up that much making him choke and cough and his belly constantly hurting. I think I'm gonna switch to nutramigen. What do you think about it ladies. Please help