Warning:rant post


Im pissed. I woke up happy was excited for today for my appointment..then i go and my whole day turns to shit. Why? Because my doctor is out for the whole month and im having to see these stupid fucking nurses who know nothing about my high risk pregnancy and ask the same questions every week like they dont communicate or something..last appointment i was checked for cervix dialation and i was closed. I was 35.4 weeks. Im 36.4 weeks today and she didnt even check to see if i was dialated today after my doctor said i would start being checked at 36 weeks anyways..said that they will start doing it when time gets closer...like how much fucking closer...and most of all at my last appointment i was told i would get to schedule my induction date at my appointment today..which is why i was so damn excited for today to come....and she tells me not today "later in my pregnancy"... Like if one person tells me one thing the others should be following what my doctor is saying... Not changing it up every appointment. So im so upset. I just want to punch someone in the face..to top it off i get my parking pass for the parking garage and i lose it in the freezing cold wind on my way out. Fuck today seriously....rant over..


A very pissed off pregnant lady whos ready to give birth.