not quite what I planned but I rolled with it!

Ali • Baby boy due 3/9/17
Around 9:30pm on 3/7 I started having contractions that were immediately 3-4 minutes apart. I had a membrane sweep about 30 hours before at 39w6d but I figured there was no way this was the real thing considering this is my first baby! Well about 2 hours later they were still 3-4 minutes and getting more painful so I called the hospital and they told me to come in! I arrived around midnight and was 4cm so they admitted me. I got an epidural at 2am (always a part of my birth plan) and tried to relax and sleep until about 7 (not much actual sleeping because I was so excited and nervous!) Around 10am the doctors told me it was time to start's where things became a little different than what I expected. I had taken raspberry leaf tea capsules religiously since 32 weeks so I figured my pushes would be awesome and the little guy would come right out! Well...3 hours later still no baby and I was so tired, not to mention the epidural was minimally effective at this point. I broke down and begged the nurses to help me or tell me he was close to coming out. I was vomiting at this point and had literally no energy. The nurses said he really wasn't even close to coming out and they said I had 2 options: a c section or the doctor could try to use a vacuum to help him out but if I chose that I had to find the energy to push. I chose the second option. Around 1pm my son finally came out leaving me with 3rd degree tearing. Turns out his head was cocked to one side so he wasn't able to get past the pubic bone. we now have to do stretches with his neck to get those muscles to loosen up! It was a crazy day and not what I expected but I'm so glad I was able to not get too upset about the change in plans!