Was getting induced but walked out the hospital...

kiki • my cycle was june 7th 2016 now expecting my rainbow baby due march
So i was at the hospital getting a scheduled induction done but when i arrived i was being attended by a female doctor, well when the shift changed a male doctor showed up in my room and said he was going to be the one delivering my baby! Im like uummm noo! (Mind you that i have very strong personal reasons why i dont let male doctors touch me at all) well i freaked out and told him that i apoligize but i cant let him check me or do anything because i dont like male doctors. I decided to leave and go home since i wasnt contracting or dialating. I was just sitting there for 6 hrs with a i.v. in my arm just waiting. No contactions or pain at all or any sign of labor. So they gave me the papers to sign and i left. Am i crazy!!!??!! Or am i the only one who just doesnt like male doctors? I feel so dumb for leaving but i feel fine! I rather wait and come back in the morning..