hoping and praying

Okay y'all so me and my finacee have been trying for almost a year now to get pregnant after my miscarriage last May. Bfn after bfn every month. However this month I had a two and a half day light period which my normal ones are about 5 days with two heavy days LOL TMI however free this very light period I took two test one with a vfl and one negative. I am extremely bloating and feel as though every time I look in the mirrior I have a little bit more of a pouch and it gets harder and hated to suck in. I also have been eating like crazy recently which is not normal. I'm hesitant to make a doctors appointment for the mere fact of the Doctor telling me there is no baby but my finacee is convinced I am. Can I get some advice. I took another test two days ago and then nothing. Multiple people have told me for the first 3 months they got BFN but they were pregnant and even had one lady tell me she got her period all nine months, long story short do I get my hopes up and go or do I just wait another month 
thanks loves💗