I can't be, can I?

Okay ladies, I need help. I'm pretty sure I'm just freaking out but I'd still like to be sure. Let's start from the beginning, a few weeks back, wanna say like 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend had told his granny he had a baby shower to go to and she assumed me, at first I thought it was cute. Then a few days later he told me his mom had said if she found out that she was the last to find out I was pregnant she'd be mad. That very same day MY mother had called me and I answered. Said "hello" and the very first words to escape her mouth were, "sis are you pregnant?" I looked at my boyfriend and he said "why is everyone assuming you are?" Said I'm not sure. In that same week all my coworkers were asking me, "are you sure you aren't pregnant? I think you need to take a test...... You eat a lot...... Getting a little belly......." supervisors are convinced I am.. like I would know right? Not to long after all that my mom, again points it out, this time commenting on one of my pictures on Facebook saying "you look pregnant"... I think nothing of it till a week before my period is due.. any other time I freak out about it I almost always start my period as I'm getting ready to take the test. I haven't had any symptoms of being pregnant nor period. I mean I have but I can't tell the difference. I have headaches, I'm tired, yes I do eat a lot. But eating a lot is normal for me. Ive had SLIGHT cramps, I can feel them but they don't hurt. Just enough to let me know, "oh hey that was a baby cramp, okay". Other than that. Nothing. I sleep a lot but that's because I work 3rd shift which is 11pm-7am. No stress. Let me just throw that in there. And yes I have taken a test. 2 actually. I tested before my missed period (2 days before) & it was negative. I tested again just earlier (3 days late) and it was negative. My cycles are normal. I'm never this late. At the most a day late and it starts. I am on birth control, and since I've started my job and being on third shift my days get mixed up and I rarely forget to take my pill but most times I'm on top of it. I guess I'm just asking you're opinion on it. What I should do. Test again or play the waiting game. Which I have since the first test I took. We aren't trying to get pregnant & We aren't thinking about having kids anytime soon. Like I said, I haven't had any symptoms of my period starting or of being pregnant. So I'm highly confused here. 
Edit: while taking the second this this morning as I wiped while waiting for the results I had a very very very light pink spot on the toilet paper. I wiped again and it was less. Wiped one more time and nothing. Not to sure if that's supposed to mean something, but we had also had some great sex lastnight? Could it have caused me to bleed a little bit? Just tell me it's not implantation... 
I feel like I should be scared and worried. But I'm really not. More so scared of my boyfriends reaction/response if it comes down to it.