
My psychiatrist gave me a medication in 2015 called mirtazapine.. after a few months I was taken to a hospital where I was recommended to see a cardiologist where I was diagnosed with prolonged QT.. 
I accidentally stopped taking mirtazapine and I passed out and had a seizure.. 
my cardiologist said that my prolonged QT was genetic.. I told my psychiatrist that I had that heart condition and she just wanted to up the dosage..
well now it's been 2 years and I went to my psychiatrist to lower the dosage and she said I needed to seek professional help because it wasn't supposed to cause seizures.. 
well.. I got a lower dosage and I read all about the medication and I found that it says 
May cause seizures, PROLONGED QT, and etc. 
The fact that she wanted to up the dosage after I said I have prolonged QT is pretty much attempted murder.. and the fact that she lied and said that it wasn't supposed to cause seizures tells me that she is lying to me..