TMI!! Yeast infections, genital warts, pubic hair oh my!

So. This is honestly the most Tmi thing I think I've ever shared or queried with the internet. 
For the past week I have had possibly the itchiest vagina in the whole world, not only is it obnoxiously itchy, the itchy areas burn like hell and if the skin touches other skin (like, you know how vagina lips touch) then it is the most intense pain in the world. 
Now I'm honestly a really shy person so I've put off finding out exactly what this is because I'm too paranoid to discuss it with my doctor in case they judge me! So, upon investigation I've found a few things out... this could basically be either thrush, genital warts or ingrown hairs. Thrush because of the gross soreness and discharge, genital warts because I'm totally paranoid about anything like that and my mind immediately assumes that's what it is and ingrown hairs because a few weeks before this happened I had shaved using a razor I'd used before and the worst bits of soreness are the cleft (lol my descriptiveness) at the top of my vagina lips where they sort of meet omg I hate myself and I want to die 🙈
Now my belly is huge so I can't actually see 🙈 so I've tried to take pictures but I totally can't get it to focus. Ive been putting on sudocrem to try and stop it from being painful but it wears off and tonight in an attempt to stop feeling like it's going to fall off I shaved in the hopes I could see better what is actually going on and lo and behold I'm not in vast amounts of pain. Weird question but... has anybody had pubic hair irritate them that much because they're not used to it they thought they were dying from the vagina? 🙈 or had any of the above relieved by shaving?? Please lord help me so I don't have to show my doctor who is about 90 my vagina! 🙈😐