at what point are you forcing a relationship?

So my husband and I have been married for 7 months, and recently he expressed to me that he feels we are both unhappy and even mentioned the possibility of divorce. After thinking about it for a few days I'm leaning more towards divorce but now he won't even acknowledge that it's an option at this point. We have only been together for just under 2 years and got engaged after 11 months and married not even 3 months after that. Clearly we rushed into it, and I feel like a fool for making what I feel like was such a huge mistake because the more I think about it, we're not best friends and we have no common interests. I used to be the girl that had lots of friends and always had plans and now all I do is stay home. I feel like and have felt like for a long time that he doesn't "get" me as a person. Before he and I started dating I had a guy best friend that I was basically attached at the hip with. He knew me better than anyone ever has and I felt like I had never clicked with another person that way before. It's a complicated situation, I dont speak with that friend anymore and I would never ever be unfaithful in my marriage, but I just can't shake the feeling that I'm not married to the person God made for me. I feel like we were meant to teach eachother and grow eachother into better people I'm just so scared either way I choose 😫