Today, is the worst day of my life

Two days ago I went in for my first ultrasound feeling like the luckiest and happiest woman alive. To my surprise, there was no baby just sac. I felt as if my heart stopped. I went back in yesterday for a new in depth ultrasound and this morning for some lab work to see how my HCG levels were rising. I felt it in my heart that my baby was gone despite my support systems' attempts to give me hope. This afternoon I went in to see my Dr and get my final results. As I expected my worst fear became a reality. My HCG levels had barely increased enough to support the sac and the ultrasounds showed no baby. Here I am, in my dinning room sitting down getting ready to swallow some pills to properly miscarry and flush the sac out. It hurts so much knowing that my pregnancy is gone. There may have never been a baby developing in me but the feeling of being pregnant is gone. I feel empty. I know I will be ok and that I can soon try again for my rainbow baby but that doesn't get rid of the pain I feel. It hurts and I just wanted to share my story.