Orgasm problems

Need some advice I literall lost my virginity to the man I love on March 8th this year and we've been together a month and a half now officially together anyways. But anyways I finally had an orgasm about the second week we'd been going at it and now it's like I go crazy just wanting to have one and so I get really frustrated if I just can't get there need some advice on how to just have relaxing sex tired of the stress it's putting on the relationship already sometimes we go for to long and he just can't go either so we give up and he seems frustrated too so I feel bad but I can't help it. Also since I lost it my sex drive is to the roof and literally every second I just want to do it which also puts stress on us because he doesn't want to a lot and I wonder why sometimes someone just help me out here lol still learning my body and hella frustrated I want him to be happy so maybe I just give up on trying to get there and just let him go? What should I do ladies.