13 reasons why *SPOILERS*

Mo • Married 9/24/16. Mommy 7/22/17 ❤️
I just finished watching this AMAZING show last night with the hubs. The last 2 episodes in a row to be exact- and we were in tears. Absolutely devastated. Watching a rape, watching a suicide, watching Hannah's parents find her body 😭 oh god it was amazing acting and cinematography but goddam heart breaking. But SO MUCH HAPPENED and there is so much left unsaid!!
What do you think happens to each person? 
Bryce, Justin, Jessica, Alex, Clay etc ?? 
What was your favorite part? Open discussion below!
I think the photographer (I can't remember his name) is going to shoot up the school in season 2 😩(heart wrenching to even type) 
Alex isn't going to make it, the parents use the tapes to get everyone in trouble. I think the counselor will resign and honestly I think Bryce will get away with it.