throw it a way? or send it back?

My psycho abusive ex has been sending mail. We have a daughter together, and he's been a horrible father to her (I really don't want to go into detail) he hasn't been around for a while, and just goes off as if he doesn't have a kid. Our relationship isn't good, I try to be mature but all he does when we try to talk is continue to verbally abuse me & tell me horrible things. I eventually had to block his number bc he would send me text messages saying things like "I'm so happy I cheated on you, I'm finally with the one" and messages to bring me down.
well... now he's sending stuff through the mail. He sends letters addressed to my two year old that can't read, knowing that I'm the one that has to read them. The letter often say things like how he's so happy & how he's not around bc he's "still growing up." a couple of days ago, I received a package and in the inside there was a pillow with his cologne sprayed all over it and a doll. On the doll he taped a Polaroid picture of himself saying " I miss you so much" along with items he got from a trip he went on with his gf. I didn't know he went on this trip until I saw the note on the bottom saying he went on this amazing trip with his new gf.. I really don't want to show that him that I'm angered by this...bc I no longer want him to feel like he has power over me.. but I don't want him to continue to think its ok to send things like this. If it was him sending things for my daughter without trying to piss me off in the process I would be ok with it. So I don't know what to do.. do I send the mail back? Or just throw it away?