cleaning house, 8 months pregnant should husband step up?

I'm nearing the end of pregnancy and I just am generally spent. I feel like pure crap. Out of breath, super swollen, very uncomfortable. I still work full time as a nurse. On my feet all day and barely getting through. My husband also works full time and has been doing more of the yard work, he painted a couple walls, assembles the baby furniture, planted flowers for me.... stuff like that. It takes everything I have to even keep up with laundry 80%. The rest of the house is lacking attention. Everything is so dusty, we have 3 big shedding dogs so you can imagine the hair. The bathrooms feel gross. The kitchen is awful. Everything just gives me the heeby jeebies and we have a brand new home and the fact it's this yucky is driving me insane. I know he's tired and I'm definitely tired but I'm barely treading water keeping the dishes clean and laundry up. I feel guilty that I can't keep house like I want to and I'm too ashamed to ask the husband to step up but part of me feels like can he not see the mess? Can he not see how bad I'm struggeling? Help!!!!!! I told him last night inreallly want to give the house a good spring deep clean bc she will be here in 4-6 weeks. We have no fam here to help. Idk how to handle this. I'm overwhelmed