weird feeling

Kayla • 25 💕
So me and my boyfriend have a long distance relationship right now so for the month of April we have only had sex once 😕 anyways we had sex on accord to glow my most fertile day... buttttt we used a condom and we both thought it broke but he said it didn't... I'm suppose to get my period on the 30 of April but the last two days have had some achyness in my lower abdomin and some twinges... i don't usually get cramps or anything till the day I start my period so to have pain there is weird... also my boobs are sensitive... not swollen or hurt but they have a sort of soreness sensativeness to them if that makes sense... and the pains I'm feeling in my lower abdomin on my right side kinda goes down into my leg... can anyone help me with what this could be? What are the chances of me being pregnant?