Cloth Diapers? How Many To Stock Up On? How Frequently Wash?


Asking mom's who use cloth diapers, preferably the prefolds such as Bummis with the plain covers. Not the all in one's or inserts as I'll be using a non-electric washer and hang drying.

How many prefolds should I have? How many covers should I have? How frequently should I wash a days worth of diapers?

I was planning to scrape every change, toss corn starch on top of prefolds in the bin every change, wash every 2-3 days, with a Wonderwash hand rank machine, then hang to dry in sunroom/breezeway if not outside by high noon. Then go to the laundry mat every week to use the large machines and full dryer.

My son is 5.5mo and only poops max 3 times a day, but averages 2 big poops. He goes through about 5-9 diapers a day. So I figured 27-36 prefold and 9-12 covers should be enough, if not too much?

What's your advice/experience?

Thanks in advance 😄

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I have 20 nappies and 4 covers (8 but in 2 different sizes). I wash them every 2-3 days or sooner if I've gone through them all. I only use them through the day and use disposables at night. I did start running out of covers as you do need to change them once they've poo'd but luckily my little girl is now fitting in both sizes. I also dry them on the airer inside or put them outside if it's warm. I could definitely do with some more nappies though as sometimes they take a while to dry - I live in the UK and it's not exactly the warmest country at the moment!


Justine • Apr 28, 2017
The sun is indeed a natural bleach! I think a lot of the North American mom's who've said something about needing a dryer are consumer brainwashed. The mentality that we must have consumer goods to have a complete life. It just seems very logical to me that going cloth, should be as environmentally friendly as possible, right up to hang drying. If I could afford/had space for a washer though I'd rather that than a hand crank machine. But I also enjoy the novelty of doing everything by hand 😊


Sarah • Apr 28, 2017
We don't have a dryer so during winter I'd stick them next to the radiator. But it's not cold enough for heating at the moment so they take a bit longer to dry. I've never heard anything about bacteria. I use a special nappy detergent in with mine which helps freshen them. The sun also acts as a natural bleach too so love it when I can get them outside.


Justine • Apr 28, 2017
I live in Canada, which is just a bit warmer than England depending where you live. I remember my last visit in the UK was damp and cold throughout the holidays though much less snow than I'd expect here 😊 Most other moms express concern about bacteria growing in the cloth diapers if I'm hanging them to dry. That's why I intend to wash all of them once a week at the laundry mat. But what did mothers do before dryers right!? I think the prefold flats will be just fine drying in the sun or in the breezeway all year round. And over time if I think I need more covers I can add them to my stash, or even dare try to make my own 😄


Posted at
You don't have a dryer at home? You may need more then and I would wash every 2 days. I would maybe get 36 and see if they dry in time. You will have to hang the covers anyway but the prefolds would be easier to go in the dryer but if you don't have you'll just need more diapers. 6-10 covers should be enough. Normally with 24 you would probably have to wash everyday to have some leftover. Again I would try 36. I also suggest trying wool covers for nighttime as these are leakproof and don't need to be washed as frequently, just get two wool covers and air out between changes (unless they get soiled with poo) and wash when they start to stink and re-lanolize. I personally love the Dasani wool covers.


Justine • Apr 27, 2017
Thanks. I knew I'd have to get something different for bedtime, but had also considered using disposables at night until my son sleeps through the night with less than 3 wakings. Unfortunately no dryer nor room or budget for either. But I've been told other moms do hang the prefolds/flats. Deffinately couldn't do all in ones by hanging tho.