Moving in with my boyfriend


So, this June, I am moving in with my boyfriend of a year and four months. The main reason I am moving in with him is my mother. She is lazy and does nothing but play video games all day long, she even forgets to eat. When I get home from school I'll cook her something, clean, do homework, cook dinner sometimes, go to bed, and wake up at 3 am the next day. The other problem is that she is an impulse byuer/hoarder. Are house is so full of stuff that even the kitchen has stuff piled up on the floor do to lack of room to put things. It's almost impossible to get the house anywhere nice looking. I swear that she is the child and I am the adult. Also, our fridge/cabinets are full of nothing but junk food. There is not a singel vegetable or healthy meat in sight. I would buy it myself if I had the money, but I got layed off a few months ago do to the place I worked at not being busy enough to keep me (I plan on getting a job around the time I move in to help with living expenses). Now she is sitting their saying that I should get married or pregnant in the next year before he is forced to go into the Korean military for two years. I'm 18 and he is 19.....

My questions are:

Am I moving in too soon?

Is what I'm doing a good thing in your eyes?

What else do you suggest I do in this situation? ( If you have any suggestions )

P.s. She is fine with me moving as well and no, I'm not ready to be pregnant or married.