OVER SHARE Ectopic pregnancy( What causes this and what's the best way to recover from this?)

Recently I had been in and out of the hospital. I went in on Wednesday the 5th and Thursday the 6th and went back in on Sunday the 8. On Wednesday, I was misdiagnosed with an ovarian cysts. Then on Thursday i was diagnosed with abdominal pain during early pregnancy. They said i wasn't even 4 weeks pregnant, because they couldn't find the baby. On Sunday I woke up in a lot of pain and staied in bed all day intel I couldn't move. So I had my step dad take me to the hospital. My brother was supposed to come to stay with me and bring me a phone charger because I didn't know how long I was going to be there. Then i get a text saying he won't be coming at all so I called my roomate and told her i wanted company because my boyfriend was watching our 3 year old daughter. At 11pm they took me to get an ultrasound. At 1am they pulled me into the back to draw blood and put me in a waiting room to see the doctor. They came at 3am and told me i was having an ectopic pregnancy and that they think I need to have a surgery to remove the baby because there was no heartbeat. They didn't tell me how far along i was or anything else. I called and notified my mom and boyfriend. My roomate came and brought me my charger at 4-5am. They didn't want to let her in the back of the ER unless I had a bed. So she had waited in the front waiting room. 6:30am comes around and they wake me up to tell me that they were taking me to the OR because the doctor rechecked the ultrasound and my fallopian tube burst and i was bleeding internally. After giving my phone and every other personal item to my roomate they took me upstairs to the OR. Once I got to the OR the doctor said "Why is she here already. We are not supposed to do here surgery till 7:30am." After a couple minutes of me telling them that I was in a lot of pain they finally knocked me out and did the surgery. I woke up after with a face mask on and freaked out. ( I'm severely claustrophobic.) I woke up the next day to get my meds because i couldn't move without pain shoting all around my stomic and up my spine. I was on nothing but morphine the entire stay at the hospital up to the day I was discharged. I had not once seen the doctor untel 12am the morning I was discharged. He still did not specify on how far along I was. All he said was that if I had not gotten into the hospital when I had I could've bleed to death. RIGHT NOW I AM NOT SURE IF I WANT TO SUE OR IF I JUST WANNA LET IT GO. I MEAN BEING MISDIAGNOSED 2 TIMES AND THEN LOSING MY BABY AND ALMOST DYING BECAUSE THAY DIDN'T LOOK CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE LAST TWO ULTRASOUNDS OR EVEN DO A PREGNANCY TEST THE FIRST TIME I VISITED.