Bridesmaid issues..

I'm just in such a mess. I had planned for this girl I thought was my friend to be my bridesmaid, in all honesty I wanted her to be my maid of honor but my sister was having a slight melt down (yes.. she's 25 and a wife with 2 kids).. so anyways she's my bridesmaid and she kept acting so excited to help with the wedding when I really didn't need help. I never told her I didn't have any jobs for her I just said when I found something she could do I would let her know... and I have..and now she wants nothing to do with helping. . That's not even my big issue right now.

All the rest of my bridesmaids are underage, or like my sister.. breastfeeding so can't come to a Bachelorette party without a baby attached to her, and his sister lives out of state.. so this bridesmaid and I planned a trip with some of my fiance groomsmen out of town NEXT WEEK (we have had it planned since April 5th) I texted her last night and asked if she was excited and she said "yeah.. if I can get off work." .. I am FURIOUS.. me and my husband paid for this cabin $500.. and everyone was supposed to pay us back the day we go.. if she doesn't go that means we have paid for a 4 bedroom cabin when we could of gotten a smaller one and now me and my fiance are just out her portion. Also, if she doesn't go..that means the trip is ONLY my fiance groomsmen.. & they have all this guy stuff planned. So my Bachelorette party will be spent with me in the cabin sitting by myself.

What should I even do?? We can't cancel now. We check in in 8 days. & I don't have any friends (that's why my bridesmaids are all family) so I can't just find someone else to go.

*she's had a whole month to ask off.. and we planned it for these days because she said "oh yeah that's a great time for me to get off work. We're not busy then" and I worked where she works now (that's how we met) and you could literally ask off for a football game and get it.. so she can actually get off work if she wants to.. & money isn't her issue before anyone throws this stuff in..