So, before I get started, I would love to be pregnant and it would be amazing if I was but I doubt I am. I recently just got off of birth control ((probably a little over a month now)), and my SO and I had sex a few times, just using the pull out method. I kept no track of anything, ovulation, nothing. However, about a week and a half ago I started having cramps centralized in my left side. From there I had a pinkish, almost translucent discharge for a couple hours one day, and ever since have been having a shit ton of white, lotion-y, odorless discharge. The dull cramps on my left side have been on and off ever since they started, and I've been gassy, dizzy, and bloated. Sometimes the cramps with the discharge make me think my period started, but it obviously hasn't. Three days ago, my nipples got super sore out of nowhere, and it hurts to shower, walk down the steps without a bra, etc. Also, I feel like I've been able to smell everything nasty. I took a
bfn test 2 days ago but my period isn't supposed to come until the 12th. Is this all mind over matter, because of my birth control, or am I possibly pregnant??