
So last year around july 4th my brother in laws brother added me on fb and we started talking. He did a cheesy line saying texting him was easier than messenger so i gave him my number. Then 3 weeks later we started talking like a little bit more. We texted everday and seemed like all night long. I've had the longest crush on him, so we met up one night and we actually hooked up. We would hangout on friday night and go out to eat but we never told my family or his. So then his mom found out we were talking because she said he doesnt look at me the way he looks at other girls. So he asked my sister if it was okay if he could date me when my birthday comes, its in june. She said yes, but around thanksgiving his mom told him that she doesnt think its a good idea that we talk. And he believed her, so we stopped talking like that. Well its been about 5 months and we still talk everyday. Some days he'll be in the mood and the texts get a little heated. But we still talk all day everyday. And he talks about other girls sometimes and of course i still get jealous so ill talk longer to respond and he will double text me. And when i bring up other guys he'll one word me. What does this mean?? Like does he still might want to date or he is just trying to be friends?? 🤕🤕