Nighttime Sleep for 5 week old


My 5 week old has been doing a 5 to 7 hour stretch at night for a couple weeks now, which is great. A few days after she turned 4 weeks she had a few days of not taking naps during the day hardly at all (probably a growth spurt). Before then, we'd have a hard time getting her to sleep between 7 and 10 in the morning and night (after the first daytime feed and nighttime feed). But after those periods she'd sleep well (usually 6 or 7 hours at night) or 3 to 4 during the day. If she's not napping well she eats every 2 to 2.5 hours.

Well yesterday I was determined to make naps happen, started to do her nap routine like night time, I put her in her crib, swaddled with music and the shades closed. Sometimes it took her a while but she actually did nap. The problem is, since she's napped during the 7 to 10 period at night, her long stretch starts at 7. We woke her around 10 and gave her a bath and fed her again, but she was still up 3 hours later.

Is there any way to get her to not go into her deep nighttime sleep until closer to 10 so we can actually get the benefits from it? So far the only trick I have it letting her stay up after her feeding before it.

I read that people do a dream feed or whatever to get them to sleep longer, but that doesn't work. Her deep sleep is 5 to 7 hours even if I wake her in the middle. Therefore when I put her back down she will only sleep for the remaining time in her long stretch.

As a side note, she is also only doing half feeds before and after her long nighttime Sleep. She falls asleep and rousing her to eat doesn't work so I've given up and I just let her sleep now. Normal?