Hospital urine test (update-going on copper bc when all better-)

Day of period my So and I messed around. No ejaculation or pentration just rubbing. He or I touched his penis and it transferd to my vagina. This was 16 days before ovulation was predicted. 
I been in hospital for viral infection, bronchides, high white cell 
count, and double ear infection, and constricted air ways. 
I'm on anitbiotic and had a shot of prednzome that supppouse to release over five days and 
 also had prednsiome through IV amd now on 20mg (swallow form of prednsiome)
x3 times a day for 10 days. 
Yesterday, on cycle day 20-21 they did a normal Hcg urine tEst. it was neg. 
Now my cycles been off since i had been on tropical (shMpoo medicated) steriods before for past two momths and this is first month i stoped those but now im om these other steriods and antibotic so my cycle been off by a whole week to 5ish days. 
Im suppose to start next saturday and ik ill prolly be late due to this new meds i startrd taking wensday (shot, iv, swallow form steriods, antibiotics) 
Since it been two weeks amd some days since the touching and hospital urone test was neg, but took 9 days before expected period should i test with a home ome when i miss? 
I also been having egg white/clear globby cm and cervix is med/low and softish. 
Also when all better gonna try going pm copper bc. Hormones makes me habe blood clots. 

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