How do you handle the good and the bad ?

Relationships can be tough sometimes. They are not all the same but one thing is for sure, each relationship has their fair share of high and low moments. Let's be real, though we'd like to ALWAYS be stuck in the honeymoon phase forever with our partners, reality let's us know that every moment with your significant other isn't necessarily holding hands while walking in the park and making googly eyes at one another. Even though the good outweighs the bad majority of the time, sometimes there are times when the bad can outweigh the good. Adding two different personalities and different opinions in the mix sometimes can be emotionally charging in the most frustrating sense when the two of you aren't seeing eye to eye and one or both have needs that aren't being met or understood by the other. One person can be stubborn, the other may shut down, one person feels compromised while the other feels it's a win or lose battle. You might even ask yourself "why are we even together?" However, You love each other so you make up your mind to find ways to get through the arguments or rough patches with one another and fight your way back to love. The truth remains that no matter how much you love each other, sometimes your personalities may clash with how you handle the stress of differences and the same heat that's used to ignite the passion you have for one another is the same heat that's used to ignite frustrations as well. However, you get through it and it eventually becomes a thing of the past. How do you and your partner find ways to work through those trying moments in your relationship ?