I wanna delete this app...

But Honestly there's no escaping it. Pregnant women and babies are everywhere. On my Facebook and instagram timeline. In my neighborhood. At the grocery store. To make it worse even my pop up ads are all pregnancy and baby related (clearly I consult dr. Google too much). I can't let it go. My period came yesterday and I just can't deal anymore. I'm fucking 25. I got pregnant with my son so easily. It shouldn't be taking this long. My eggs are fine. I'm ovulating fine. I have a gut feeling my tubes are blocked since c-section/infection. But of course my Dr is all booked for HSGs this month and have to wait until next month. I don't know if I have the mental strength to try again this month without any real answers. I'm slowly giving up. I wanted my kids to be close in age but each month it seems that dream is slowly fading away. June will be one year since stopping birth control. If I knew it would take this long I would have never even gotten on birth control postpartum. I want to delete the app and take a break this month but it's all I think about. There are reminders everywhere. HOw can I just relax and take a break when every time I take my son to the playground he cries to leave his friends. He comes home and rocks his baby doll to sleep and sings her songs. It breaks my heart I can't give him a sibling yet. Ugh. How can I give up when he's counting on me too??? I just don't know what to do.