I was beating myself up.

My son is now 34 weeks and 2 days today. He is a premie and will have to remain in the nicu until he is strong enough to come home. I went to the hospital because I was having pelvic pain. I was at work and thought I was being a big baby, but by the end of my shift. The pain was too intense for me to ignore it. When I got to the hospital I thought the nurse would tell me take a Tylenol and get some rest. Well that is not what happened, she swabbed me with a tool that reads if your waters have ruptured. Well as my luck would have it my waters had indeed ruptured. Once she said that I immediately started crying, this was Sunday 05/14/17, I was 33 weeks and 3days at the time. I thought they were going to make me have the baby that night. The Dr came in and spoke with me and explained that I wasn't contracting on my own, so they would try and leave me pregnant until 34 weeks which was only a few days away. I beat myself up like what could I have done to prevent this, I was so heartbroken, as the days went on I knew there wasn't anything I could've done. I made the best decision to go and get checked out. After 38 hours of induced labor, and a c-section later we welcomed our beautiful baby boy into this world at 11:39PM 05/19/2017. He's 5lbs 4oz and just perfect.