Just venting !!!

How do I start I just want to put out there that I'm just venting... I feel I'm surrounded by a group of healthy fertile female friends.

One of my close friend she told us . We want a summer , specifically an august baby . She tries with her husband and gets pregnancy. Has a healthy August baby . In August she will be 1 this year. ❤

My other close friend she gets married in May 2016. They start trying right away. She gets pregnant in October. She will be delivering healthy baby in July 2017 . 💗

My best friend from childhood. She's 26 and started dating this guy that is older than her father! He is almost 50! Let's just say that her family and close friends we don't like him. The reason that we don't like him is not because of his age.. We don't like him because he has never work in his life. He was in drugs, he is getting SSI and he was physically and mentally abusing her... they are still together. Over the weekend she texted me to let me know that she is having a girl and is due in early October. Her family and I didn't know anything ... I'm very happy for her because she is. I was very happy for her but I got sad. My DH told me it's okay we will soon have our own baby. But I didn't get sad because she is having a baby I got sad that I had a mc this past February. We would have had very close babies 😔

Another friend recently got married within the first 2 mo the she got prego. She bad a healthy baby in December 2016.

I know people say you don't know their struggles before they have their babies. But I do know that there was not struggles !! So my conclusion is that I'm just surrounded by healthy fertile women. 😁