Pregnant and bleeding...


Hey guys.just writting to see if anyone else has experienced the same.

I'm 12 weeks 5 days almost 10 weeks I had a large gush of blood that ended me at the er..i was told I was having a miscarriage. I refused to leave until I had an ultrasound.ultrasound showed a healthy baby with a 176 heartbeat. Er said I was having implantation bleeding😑🤔😒. The next day I spoke to my doc and they say I possibly have a retrograde subchrionic hematoma, but needed to see ultrasound from er to confirm; and schedules me for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. Fast forward two weeks, ultrasound looks great baby has doubled in size to where my due date went back 5 days! Squirming everywhere and sign of any anomalies in my uterus "no active bleeding." But here I am 3 weeks after my initial bleed and I am still spotting. I feel like I'm on my period. Sometimes heavy enough to need a pad others only when I wipe, it varies. Doctors say this is "normal" and that it happens.has anyone else dealt with this?I haven't enjoyed my pregnancy at all so far between morning sickness and all this. I feel like there's something more my docs could do and I'm scared of losing my baby. Any words even of comfort?lol I'm a mess.