Low functioning ovaries


So I been seeing my ob and she's been ordering test to check my fertility. I had a HSG done came back good. Had a vaginal ultrasound she said everything looked GREAT! My fiance is doin his semen analysis next week. But she did bloodwork to check the function of my ovaries... I don't know any numbers she just said I have Low Functioning Ovaries. And ordered more bloodwork to check my hormones to see if I'm goin in to pre menopause. I'm so scared she said if that's the case I'll need to see a <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> doctor. I don't understand what my body is doin... I have a period every month on time like clock work. I'm 36 and I have no kids. All we want is a baby of our own. What actually is Low functioning ovaries and is there a diet or medicine to fix this. I'm so sad.... I know I have more bloodwork to do but my mind is goin crazy. I take my vitamins. Please any answers are welcome.

Sad and scared....