Work or Stay at Home Mommy after Baby


My husband and I are TTC but have recently started discussing what we will do about my job after the baby arrives; will I be a stay at home mom, continue working full time and we do day care, try to find part time work...? I had originally planned to go back to work (LOVE my job) but the more we think about it I'm just so torn. I would feel like someone else is mostly raising my baby but at the same time we would be more financially stable if we both continued to work. It would be extremely awesome if I could some how find a legitimate work from home job (I live in Indiana) but from what I'm finding those seem non existent. 

I know everyone's situation is different but I was hoping for some input from other members; do both partners work full time and do you feel like you are deprived from the joys of parenting, did anyone actually manage to find a stay at home type job, or decide after trying to work full time to be stay at home mommy instead, did it take a long time before you could decide what to do, etc.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.